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Selections from the book’s Foreword by Gil Hanse
A Golf Odyssey with The Real McCoy is much more than Bob McCoy’s chronology of his unrivaled feat of playing the World Top 100 Courses in 100 consecutive days in 1997 (the 100/100). He also explains in detail how he developed a battle plan and managed the logistics for the 100/100 and what it was like to be a member of five of those clubs.
A Golf Odyssey with The Real McCoy also contains dozens of vignettes about the people and places Bob encountered on his epic trip as well as his insights into many of those great courses.
Along the way, Bob shares his extensive knowledge about the brilliant architects and entrepreneurs who designed or developed Top 100 courses like Pebble Beach and Sand Hills. Additionally, A Golf Odyssey with The Real McCoy includes stories from one correspondent on how anyone can play Augusta National and from another who played the Old Course at St. Andrew’s in reverse.
Responses from Readers
I must say that as big a deal as you’re playing the top 100 in 100 days was, it was a rather small part of a remarkable life, Bob!
I finished the book yesterday and really enjoyed your odyssey! Reading along with your journey made me feel like I was right there with you. The book was funny, entertaining, and quite informative!
Fabulous read - SIMPLY LOVED IT. Probably because it was so obviously a pouring out of your heart and soul regarding this great game. Thank you for writing it!!
Great book, what an adventurous life, congratulations!
I knew you regularly played the world’s greatest courses, but I didn’t know you had so many memberships! Great story about your give back to Harvard with the Harvard Student Agencies building investment!
My copy is being donated to the Merion archive library where it will be in good company and browsed by many over the years!
Just finished the book. Must reading for anyone interested in the great golf courses of the world.
When I received my copy of your book, I was in the middle of reading The General and The Genius, the story of Groves and Oppenheimer and their monumental effort to develop The Bomb. At that point I thought I was reading about the largest undertaking or most complicated effort of our time. That was until I got to chapter III of your book. Now I’m not sure!
A Golf Odyssey remains on my desk - having been read cover to cover within the first ten days after receiving it. The work is truly a masterpiece - and that from a very modest golfer whose father would have loved to read this.
For me, a tennis player 'of sorts,’ but also an admirer of golf and its intricacies, the book was very intriguing and so thorough that I was enticed to every day read about a new day in your travels and description of the courses, their history, and perhaps more than anything, the fascinating people you met along the way.
I just finished "playing" the top 100 golf courses in the World, and it only took me a few days to complete!
Great read, even for a non-golfer! Your attention to detail is simply incredible. I think even a meteorologist would be interested in knowing the temperature, wind speed, and precipitation for 100 consecutive days around the world!
Your golfing exploits are simply amazing, and I never knew about your hockey background.
I have just completed your book and thoroughly enjoyed the read. Your book will have a prominent place in my golf library.
Clearly the heart and soul of the book is the 100-day itinerary and journey. It is difficult to comprehend how you made it to all those courses in a timely fashion. Your dedication to playing in all types of weather and walking all 1,800 holes is truly remarkable.
Of particular interest to me were the names of all those people who helped you complete the mission. I have been fortunate to know many of the same people who assisted you, although for many different reasons.
The beginning of the book when you cover some of the highlights of your personal and professional career was extremely well done and quite impressive.
At Baltusrol you had so much to offer us including your passion for the game and your intellectual curiosity about golf architecture and history. The “Odyssey” and the book are just two examples of all the pleasure you have brought to your friends, family and acquaintances over the years. Thank you very much for your friendship.
The last portion of the book where you relate several personal experiences with some very special people in the world of golf was very interesting. There are few people in the world of golf that have had such close relationships with so many famous people in the golf world.
In summary, Bob, you did a great job with the book. It was a long time coming but well worth the wait. My sincere congratulations.
The book came out beautifully! Really a quality printing and the photos are terrific.
From the Author:
After people read about this trip in any detail, they ask me didn’t I think just once: “This is nuts, why am I doing this?”
My answer. There was absolutely no day when exhaustion put this thought into my head. The adrenaline was flowing for 99 3/4th days. The only hiccup was the night of Day 26 (page 108) when I almost did a face plant in the soup from a migraine headache. I think my body knew it was OK to let down because no golf was scheduled for the next two days. After playing Merion on Day 100, I could have ripped off several more courses with ease.